~ Dear Child ~

~ Dear Child ~

I sat all alone in your room today
Your sweet memories were calling to me
From somewhere far away
I still see a baby
Dressed up in ribbons and curls
Guess you'll always be
Your daddy's little girl

Dear Child
It's hard to believe
How time slips past
Here with your memories
There's so many things
I would love to ask

Did I hold you enough
Did I tell you enough
That you're the sweetest
Daughter in the world
And that you'll always be
Your daddy's little girl

It almost seems
Like it was yesterday
You were on your way
For your first big day of school

I remember all those silly games
That we use to play
But, I was always glad
To play your fool

Dear Child
I'm so very proud
Of the things you've done
I hope your good dreams come true
May God bless all you do
I hope you have some fun

In my heart, I hold the treasures
More precious than diamonds or pearls
The memories of daddy's little girl

The memories of daddy's little girl . . .

Performed by
James Rogers

Click on James's name above to visit his website
I highly recommend buying one of his CDs
He's aweseome! ! !

© Denim & Lace 2005

Dedicated to my little girl