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~ 50,000 Names Carved in a Wall ~
~ 50,000 Names Carved in a Wall ~
There are teddy bears and high school rings
And old photographs that mamas bring
That daddys with their young boys, playing ball
There's combat boots that he used to wear
When he was sent over there
There's 50,000 names carved in the wall
There's cigarettes and there's cans of beer
And notes that say, "I miss you, dear"
And children who don't say anything at all
There's purple hearts and packs of gum
Fatherless daughters and fatherless sons
And there's 50,000 names carved in the wall
They come from all across this land
In pickup trucks and mini vans
Searching for a boy from long ago
They scan the wall and find his name
The teardrops fall like pouring rain
And silently they leave a gift and go
There's Stars of David & rosary beads
And crucifixion figurines
And flowers of all colors large and small
There's a Boy Scout badge and a merit pin
Little American flags waving in the wind
And there's 50,000 names carved in the wall
There's 50,000 names carved in the wall . . .
Performed by
George Jones
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
© Denim & Lace 2005
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Copyright: This page is a free site and the music was recorded from an album and images purchased by the page owner. This music is to be used for personal use only and under no circumstances can be used for commercial purposes, in any form whatsoever.