~ Presenting Shayna Marie Johnson ~



~ Shayna Marie Johnson ~
Born Saturday, July 24, 2004
Weight ~ 6 pounds 3 ounces
Length ~ 19 3/4 inches

Precious daughter to Misty & Jerry Johnsnon
Baby sister to Jennifer & Dylan Johnson

Little one now blessed with love
From the Father up above
Upon the earth within your hands
Life's story of a love so grand

Little one so soft with grace
Filled with life with each embrace
Brought to blessings on this day
Prayerful hope in every way

Child of heaven now on earth
Handed down in glorious birth
Little one we welcome you
Our happiness that is so true

Hold you close with love and care
To each of us a breath of air
Thank you for this special pleasure
Child of life our finest treasure.




© Denim & Lace 2004
Blessed Sunday, July 25, 2004
Nana to Jennifer, Dylan and Shayna Marie

O God, you have taught us through your blessed Son that whoever receives a little child in the name of Christ receives Christ himself. We give you thanks for the blessing you have bestowed upon this family in giving them a child. Confirm their joy by a lively sense of your presence with them, and give them calm strength and patient wisdom as they seek to bring this child to love all that is true and noble, just and pure, lovable and gracious, excellent and sdmirable, following the example of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Amen and Amen