~ Why Pastor Why ~



~Why Pastor Why ~

As I see you standing there
Behind the pulpit
Reading from God’s Word
I think back to all
Those wonderful, blessed sermons
From you that I’ve heard

No, there’s no secret why God
Brought you out
Oh, the many times your
Joy has made me shout!
You see, Pastor,
There was a reason
That God saved your soul
Because He knew
That serving Him
With all your heart
Would be your life’s goal

You see, Pastor,
There was a reason
That it was you
That God chose
Not your good looks,
Perfect hair,
And stylish clothes

No, Pastor, the reason
That God reached down
His hand and saved you
Let there be no doubt!
The reason God chose you
Is because He knew
How you would turn out!
The reason, Pastor,
That you mean so much to me
Is that when I look at you
It’s Jesus that I see

For in your footsteps
I so gratefully trod
Because I know
That in following you
I am following God

Written by
Richard. Vincent. Rose.
Copyright 1997
Email: richardvincentrose@hotmail.com

Song playing
Amazing Grace
Irish Tenors ~ John McDermott

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© Denim & Lace 2005

Page created at the request
Of the author
Of "Why Pastor Why"
The message is to share
And hopefully give a blessing
To any who read his words
Please feel to email him
At this email address



Copyright: This page is a free site and the music was recorded from an album purchased by the page owner. This music is to be used for personal use only and under no circumstances can be used for commercial purposes, in any form whatsoever.