~ Judgment ~ Poem by Michel Penrod


We graduated in 1968
Shortly after we left the States
Just 19 we went to Nam
Did our best, then came home
Some of us lost close friends over there
Back in the states did they really care

We wore our uniforms into town
College students tried to put us down
Our Country called and we gave our best
The letters and tapes from home
Helped us rest

Have faith, have pride and return to the world
Try to fit in where you don’t belong
Everyone saying that you were wrong
We don’t ask much; we just want you to know
We have feelings we need to show

Give us a chance to make a new life
A job, a husband, or a wife
Peace be with you all through the night
The Lord doesn’t blame us
Why do you think you have the right

If it happened again, we’d do it, too
For God, our Country and for you
Life must go on and we can’t pretend
Bless all The Veterans
Whether they’re women or men

They brought us home and buried our dead
But us who survived still feel the pain
Ask any Veteran, they’ll tell you the same
The arms, the legs, the chests blown out
In our sleep we hear them shout

We try to adjust and forget the War
Many years have past
And the pain is still at our door
As all things must; this poem will end
The wounds will heal
And the scars will mend

We only ask that you understand
And pray to God you accept us as your friend
The nightmares decrease but our memories last
We will never forget the past
I ask you again before I go
Tell me friend, do you know?

Written by
Michel L. Penrod
Copyright 1970

© Denim & Lace 2006

Page created at the request
Of the author of, "Judgment"
The message is to share
With those you feel would understand
Please feel to email him
At this email address: rockinpr@eaglecom.net