~ Scars~


The ones that you can see, they hurt sometimes
When the weather changes, when you push too hard
Their cause was only momentary; a flash of pain,
Healing, recovery . . . then a visible reminder

The ones that don’t show, they hurt the worst
Scars of the soul, spirit and mind
Unseen but always present
Doors waiting to open to flood
Your thoughts with pain

Wounds left by horrors of incidents past
Images burned into memory
Seared in color; sights, sounds, smells, touch
Trip wires that can ambush a tired mind
Or a troubled soul

I have seen faces that were intent, yet bored
Professionalism, a mask shielding
Bystanders from the emotions
Behind the eyes of those who serve
Expressions showing nothing, but hiding everything

Comrades removing the remains of the dead
From the wreckage that holds them prisoner
Watching those who do not fear
When walking into Hell’s front door
Flinch imperceptibly at what they see

Brave souls who ever so gently avoid inflicting pain
To those that can feel no more
Gloved and calloused hands
Working to free, to comfort
To restore what once was
But knowing they cannot

Watching, those who command search the faces
Looking for signs unseen by most
Walking over, touching a shoulder, quietly advising
"Go take a break, you’ve had enough"

They obey, moving off to perhaps talk with a co-worker
To sit on a bumper or rear step
Find a respite or just to be alone
Some have a vacant stare
Wounded eyes in a tired face
The look that says
I have given all I have

Some withdraw into themselves
Some use humor to blunt their pain
Some will take it to God and leave it with Him
Some will find solace in alcohol or drugs
All will deal with it
Remembering that if carried too long
It will destroy you and all you love

The task is done, the recovery complete
Gear is retrieved, a last sweep to check the site
They board to leave and face another task
They each have a new scar and they know it

© Denim & Lace 2008

~ Never has there been a good war or a bad peace ~
Benjamin Franklin