~ Happy 30th Birthday, Misty ~




~ Happy 30th Birthday ~
My Daughter, my Friend

 Thirty years ago you were placed in my hands to love and to help develop into someone very special. The time has gone by like a rushing second hand on a clock.

 You have developed into a wise young woman. You are mother to Jennifer, Dylan, soon to be, Baby J aka “Twinkie” and wife to Jerry.

 Treasure all you have, and all you will become. Treasure the speeding moments. Just like the rushing second hands on a clock, you will soon be wishing your children 30th birthday wishes, too.

 My, how time does fly.

~ Happy Birthday, Miff ~
I dearly love you.
Your Mom


My baby girl . . then and now


Misty & Jerry's precious children, Jennifer and Dylan

Misty, Jerry, Jennifer, Dylan and coming soon . . "Baby J"
This wonderful graphic was made for Misty by her husband, Jerry.

Created for My Daughter
In Honor of her 30th Birthday
February 27, 2004
~ I love you ~
Your Mom
PS ~ Remember one thing young lady . . . I'm taller than you !!:-)
©Denim And Lace

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