My Halo always tipping
I wish it would fit right
Jesus said that it's okay
It still is very bright

Fixing it comes naturally
It's part of every day
Then I'm thinking to myself
Better that I pray

Pray for all the lonely folks
Who have to deal with pain
This pretty little halo
Though crooked shall remain

You know it gives me power
While flying up above
Angel with bright Halo
Sending all her love

So if you're feeling lonely
And see me flying by
Know how much I love you
And here's the reason why

No one in life is perfect
I'm an Angel with a flaw
But Jesus loves me anyway
And I know He loves you more.

~ Poem by Francine Pucillo ~

When I saw this sweet graphic it reminded me so much of myself. I indeed have no halo, but if I did; there's no doubt it would stay tipped most of the time.

I wonder what makes "our halos tip" when really we have intentions of doing good? Why is it our intentions sometimes come out as harmful deeds, harmful words? Instead of a halo, I feel like the child standing in a corner for doing something wrong, and deservedly so.

Wisdoms . . .

Don't "show" me with words; show me by what you do.

Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely.

What you are, will show in what you do.

True love rages as does fire in the wind.

The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying a way small stones.

Words can cut as a knife. Silence cuts deeper.

If you must play, decide upon three things at the start: the rules of the game, the stakes, and the quitting time.

Do you have a "Funny Face" in your life? It may be a mate, children, friends, lovers who's your "Funny Face". Tell your "Funny Face" how much you love them, how much you need them. Ask them to forgive you for hurting their feelings. I just did . . .

One last very important Wisdom and Prayer . . .

Dear Lord . . .
Please put your arm around my shoulders and Your hand over my mouth.
~ Amen and Amen ~


Out of the blue today, I received a note from my precious daughter with the words . . .

"Sometimes, someone says something really small and it fits right into this empty place within your heart."

I couldn't agree with you more, baby girl.
Thank you for your wisdom.
~ Mom ~
~ Mommy ~



Created in Love
August 29, 2003
Updated August 30, 2003