My Dad ~ Jim Bird

In Loving Memory of My Hero ~ My Daddy

1904 ~ 1983

Life with Dad

4 years ~ My Daddy can do anything.

7 years ~ My Daddy knows a lot, a whole lot.

8 years ~ Dad doesn't quite know everything.

12 years ~ Oh well, naturally Dad doesn't quite understand.

14 years ~ Father? Hopelessly old fashioned.

21 years ~ Oh, that man is out of date! What would you expect?

25 years ~ He comes up with a good idea, now and then.

30 years ~ Let's find out what Dad thinks about it.

35 years ~ A little patience..must get Dad's input first.

50 years ~ What would Dad have thought about it?

60 years ~ I wish I could talk it over with Dad once more.


There is not a day you don't still play an important piece in my life.

I know the sacrifices you made to raise me all alone.

You will always be "on a pedestal" in my eyes.

Daddy, if tears could build a stairway
And memories a lane I'd walk right up to Heaven and bring you home again

I miss you

~ Your Daughter ~

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My Daddy