Misty & Jerry, After 10 years together I know you've both learned . . .
Marriage is much more
than vows and a ring ~ more than a toast
& a special song to sing. ~ Marriage is giving much
more than you take ~ committing one's life
to each other through mistakes each will
make. Through misunderstandings,
Through sunshine, and rain ~ through good times
& bad ~ Through heartaches and pain. Marriage means giving
your hearts to each other ~ to cherish as a
treasure ~ hold tenderly but never
smother. Marriage is sharing
life's foibles and thrills ~ not an ongoing
competition ~ nor a battle of wills. But ~ a beautiful
blending of two lives as one ~ complimenting
each other ~ filling needs ~ having fun! Marriage is seeing your
sweet dreams come true ~ And, this is the
prayer ~ I pray for you always!
This page is dedicated with honor and love to my
precious daughter, Misty and sweet Son-in-law, Jerry. ~ Happy 10th Wedding Anniversary ~ September 11, 2003